What plagiarism checker software is used by universities in India for checking the doctoral thesis?
What plagiarism checker software is used by universities in India for checking the doctoral thesis?
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In India, universities primarily use UGC-approved plagiarism detection software to check doctoral theses. The most commonly used plagiarism checkers include:
- Turnitin – One of the most widely used tools in Indian universities, providing detailed similarity reports and source tracking.
- Urkund (now called Ouriginal) – Used by many institutions due to its AI-based detection system.
- Plagscan – Another reliable tool used by some Indian universities.
- Grammarly Premium (Plagiarism Checker) – Some institutions use this for basic plagiarism checks.
- iThenticate – Used mainly for research papers and theses in high-impact journals.
- DRILLBIT – An Indian plagiarism detection software used in some universities.